Congratulations to Samantha and Mackenzie Gutierrez (pictured above with Father Lawrence) for receivng Baptism and being fully initiated into the Catholic Church! Please pray for them as these newly Baptized begin their first year as Catholics.

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

If you’ve ever thought about becoming Catholic or you just have questions about what we believe, we welcome you to come and explore our rich and beautiful tradition.  Becoming Catholic is more than joining a club; it’s being welcomed into a family.  This family is held together by our love for Jesus Christ and for one another.

Adults and Children who have reached the “age of reason” (usually about 7 years old) enter the Church though a process of conversion and initiation that we call the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).  In RCIA, the individual will be guided through a period of prayer and instruction that usually lasts about a year.  However, the process of becoming Catholic can be longer or shorter, depending on the person’s readiness.  This process is designed to respect the freedom of the individual and to allow love for God to grow in his/her heart.  RCIA culminates in a full initiation at the Easter Vigil Mass, which is the night before Easter Sunday.  At that Mass, one receives the three sacraments of initiation:  baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.

Many people who become Catholic have already been baptized into another denomination of Christianity.  These individuals are already our brothers and sisters in Christ, and they do not get “re-baptized” when entering the Catholic Church.  Rather, they will make an official profession of faith and then receive the two sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist.  This initiation may or may not happen at the Easter Vigil; it depends on the person’s readiness.

If you have questions about the Catholic Church or are interested in RCIA, please visit the CONTACT page.  We are happy to discuss the Faith with you, regardless of whether you are ready to become Catholic.  You are always welcome.

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